Have you ever felt like you needed a fresh start?

We felt the same way! In 2018, our journey started, and we left California in a truck and 5th wheel in search of home. Our place to start a farm. The realization of the impact of our lifestyle on the environment brought us to the question. How could we bring that impact in accordance with our values. Those values are loyalty, duty, respect, selflessness, honor, integrity, and personal courage, something that I hold dear to my heart. So we started Long Fork Farms which has brought us to present day.

Scratch the itch!

At first, we merely hoped to live by example. We did this by learning from the people whose organic farms and gardens we volunteered at. As the journey continued from one end of the country to the other it created new adventures. The itch to create a business had started. We wanted to help others who shared our desire to live a more sustainable, healthy, and natural life. It also involved helping others achieve those same goals, and it is continually growing.

Certified and in charge

Crystal’s adventure took her down the path to a permaculture design course and became certified in developing land management systems that promote regenerative agriculture. Dean’s love of science and the environment took him in the direction of the world of mycology. His creative side had him experimenting with creating his own substrates from locally sourced materials until he found the starter we use today. Together, we manage Long Fork Farms on 50 acres in Tennessee. Our love of farms, forests, and fascination of how nature works together is responsible for our discovery of the world of fungi and the critical role it plays in the ecosystem.

Fungi are the answer!

We believe that mycelium and the vast network of communication it creates among living things is the crucial missing link often overlooked in agriculture. Our goal is to introduce as many people as we can to the varying uses and benefits of mushrooms. This includes both culinary treats and herbal remedies.

Treats for your body, mind, and soul

All our mushrooms are grown in hardwood sawdust. Our fresh mushrooms are sold locally and harvested as close to the point of sale as possible. This is to maximize the optimal freshness. We are called to be stewards of the land, of our bodies, and of the overall health and well being of humanity. It is a journey we love.